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Alfa Laval at COP29

2024 年11月14日至22日 亞塞拜然首都,巴庫

攜手Alfa Laval,改變就趁現在


Alfa Laval 參與 COP29,秉持我們對永續議題的深厚承諾。以「立即行動」為核心,我們的可擴展解決方案已準備好,將通過強有力的合作夥伴關係和創新技術,改變關鍵產業,應對全球挑戰。

COP29 Official Logo


第29屆全球最大氣候變遷會議COP (Conference of the Parties) ,將在亞塞拜然首都巴庫舉行。Alfa Laval再度成為瑞典代表團的一員,將與政府單位、監管機構、合作夥伴及客戶展開對話,共同實踐承諾,並加速邁向淨零未來的步伐。

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Alfa Laval:在各產業與價值鏈中的獨特定位

Alfa Laval與合作夥伴共同承諾的未來

Alfa Laval在COP29的呼籲


Alfa Laval在價值鏈中的獨特定位,使我們站在推動行動導向討論的前沿,並將我們的產業專業帶到決策桌上。透過系統性合作,我們堅信能夠大規模落實現有解決方案,加速向更永續社會的過渡。

COP29 行動時刻 – 與Alfa Laval一同參與,實踐承諾

您可以在 Business Sweden 的活動網站上觀看所有直播,我們也會在此平台直播Alfa Laval的關鍵節目。


  • 16:45-17:05 (台灣時間)− 瑞典展館直播 − 電氣化與前沿能源解決方案的角色. 講者: Anna Celsing  −   Recording of live broadcast

  • 19:00-19:40(台灣時間)− 瑞典展館直播 − 為了循環轉型,我們必須在社會中採用新流程並運用創新技術– 現有的解決技術. 講者: Thomas Møller and Karin Forsberg  −   Recording of live broadcast


  • 18:00-18:40(台灣時間)− 瑞典展館直播 − 從需求角度看價值鏈 – 影響力創新
    講者:Anna Celsing −  直播錄影回放
  • 19:00-20:00(台灣時間)− 瑞典展館高層圓桌會議 − 從需求角度看價值鏈 – 影響力創新
    講者:Anna Celsing


  • 13:00-14:00(台灣時間)− 瑞典展館直播 − 能效:如何解鎖資金以達成加倍目標?
    主持人:Madeleine Gilborne,講者:Thomas Møller 
  • 14:00-15:00(台灣時間)− 瑞典展館高層圓桌會議 − 能效:如何解鎖資金以達成加倍目標?
    主持人:Madeleine Gilborne,講者:Thomas Møller
  • 18:30-20:00(台灣時間)− 瑞典展館高層圓桌會議 − 善用永續採購概念
    講者:Thomas Møller
  • 20:00-21:00(台灣時間)− "We Don’t Have Time" 氣候中心直播 − 提升熱度 - 數據中心與能源領域如何協助建設淨零城市
    主持人:Madeleine Gilborne,講者:Thomas Møller −  WDHT (YouTube)


  • 20:00-20:45(台灣時間)− "We Don’t Have Time" 氣候中心直播 − 邁向淨零商業的指數型轉型計劃。 講者: Anna Hall   −   WDHT (YouTube)


  • 20:45-22:00(台灣時間)− "We Don’t Have Time" 氣候中心直播 − 世界需要中國,中國需要世界。– 講者: Christian Thomsen  −   WDHT (YouTube)

COP29中,Alfa Laval的專家


Anna Celsing

Head of Group Sustainability



Madeleine Gilborne

VP Energy Division


Thomas Møller

President Energy Division 

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Scalable solutions ready to transform vital industries – some examples of what we do

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According to IEA, 40 percent of the carbon emission savings required for achieving Net-Zero will come from energy efficiency. Alfa Laval's heat exchangers optimize heat transfer in a wide range of applications across various industries, reducing capacity needs by 100 GW and curbing carbon dioxide emissions by 50 million tonnes annually. Proper maintenance of heat exchangers could prevent up to 2.5 percent of the world's CO2 emissions, emphasizing the cornerstone role of energy efficiency in reducing carbon emissions within water handling and food & pharma production.


At Alfa Laval, we believe that food and beverage producers can build resilience to the pressure on clean water resources exerted by the effects of climate change by optimizing their water footprint in pursuit of a long-term goal to establish water-neutral operations. By recovering water from the feedstock for food and beverage production, we are confident that - if need be - they can even become water positive and generate water to replenish local watersheds.

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Sustainable and affordable food is predominantly produced locally and close to the source of feedstock and at an industrial scale with attention to increased yield and minimized energy, water and waste. From our unique position within the food industry, Alfa Laval influences the essential transition steps towards net zero. Alfa Laval has the solutions and industrial expertise to enable food and beverage producers to take a far larger responsibility in their supply chain to speed up the transformation. 


The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has set ambitious net zero targets for the complete decarbonization of the maritime sector by 2050, bringing the shipping industry closer in line with the Paris Agreement. Alfa Laval offers a range of solutions and unique industry knowledge to support the transition towards cleaner fuels, reducing carbon emissions, meeting the terms of Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), as well as environmental compliance.

Overcoming challenges through strong partnerships and innovative technologies – more about the difference that we make

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Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping

Alfa Laval and Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping have formalized a strategic collaboration on the development of zero carbon solutions for the maritime industry.

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Part of First Movers Coalition

Alfa Laval is part of the First Movers Coalition (FMC), a global initiative launched by the World Economic Forum - as another step in supporting the decarbonization of our own operations and the industries in which we operate.

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Science Based Targets initiative

With the approval by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), Alfa Laval is now one of more than 4,000 companies worldwide, that has validated that their emissions reduction targets are grounded in climate science.

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The Energy Efficiency Movement

As part of the Energy Efficiency Movement, Alfa Laval is putting focus on the most sustainable form of energy – the energy that hasn’t been produced in the first place.

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Concept Zero

Alfa Laval is partnering with SSAB to develop the world’s first heat exchanger made from fossil-free steel. This is a key step on our way to a fully carbon neutral heat exchanger by 2030.

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Carbon capture, utilization and storage

Carbon capture is energy-intensive but plays a vital role to decarbonization. With Alfa Laval’s efficient heat transfer technology, we can reduce the energy consumption of this process with up to 40%.

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Long duration energy storage

As an initiator of the Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) Council, Alfa Laval is working to remove a key barrier to clean power: the intermittent nature of renewable energy.

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Enabling ammonia

As the shipping sector navigates the path to decarbonization, driven by stringent regulations and ambitious targets, renewable ammonia is emerging as a compelling alternative fuel for achieving net zero emissions.


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Green hydrogen

Green hydrogen offers a zero-emission fuel solution for many sectors. Through a broad portfolio of thermal and separation technologies, Alfa Laval is enabling the transition.

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Climate proof your brewery

 “Breweries are increasingly looking at climate proofing their plants – incorporating the risks of climate change into their mitigation and adaptation plans,” says Maria Lindmark, Head of Revos at Alfa Laval. 


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Recover oil from waste

A UK-based waste-management company uses cutting-edge decanter separation technology to tap into a brand-new revenue stream – turning waste oils and fats into high-quality feedstock for the biofuel industry.


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Weather information services

StormGeo, owned by Alfa Laval, provides weather information services helping customers mitigate risk, improve safety and make sustainable choices on routes and operations.


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