
Transferring heat from solar collectors is an ideal way of using the sun’s energy. The sun’s heat is absorbed on a flat surface and then transferred to a fluid. The fluid can be used for heating domestic tap water and for radiator heating. In addition, it can be used for large-scale operations, like district heating, heating of process fluid in industries, or solar thermal power plants.

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Choose the right solar thermal partner

  • With a century of experience in heat transfer and energy efficiency, Alfa Laval has the products to ensure your system is as efficient as possible.
  • The safe and reliable sealing of the gasketed plate heat exchanger means there is no risk of contamination of potable water in tap water heating.
  • With an Alfa Laval heat exchanger, you maximize uptime with a reduced risk of fouling due to scaling.
  • Our heat exchangers are AHRI third-party performance certified, so you can rest easily that the thermal performance is as good as we say it is.
  • Alfa Laval’s global service network means we have the outreach and influence to ensure the continuous functionality of your equipment.

Trend in the solar thermal industry

The heating sector is currently dominated by fossil fuels for energy, with less than 20% of the global heating demand being met by renewable sources. This means there is huge potential for the growth of solar thermal energy as a source of heat.

The interest in solar thermal heating has increased steadily over the past decade, and so has the cumulated solar thermal capacity. With this increasing interest, large-scale solar heating systems are becoming more popular, with district heating being the largest sub-sector. At the end of 2022, 325 large-scale solar district heating systems were in operation, with an installed capacity of 1,795 MWth.

The main challenges associated with solar thermal heating are fouling and the build-up of sediment. With Alfa Laval’s heat exchangers, this risk is substantially reduced with durable materials and turbulent flow. Our global service network can also ensure that your equipment runs optimally with minimum downtime.   

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A reliable partner, Alfa Laval shares our commitment to the global transition to renewable energy and has delivered superior heat transfer technology and expertise at our Carwarp power plant.

Richard Payne, CEO, RayGen

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Solar thermal solutions from Alfa Laval

solar thermal heating

Tap water heating

In a solar water heating system, the main source of heat generation is solar panels that act as solar collectors. Since the amount of solar energy will vary throughout the day and year, a conventional boiler is often used as a backup. The collectors use the sun’s rays to heat a transfer fluid, which is usually a mixture of glycol and water. Adding glycol to the transfer fluid prevents it from freezing during the winter season. The transfer fluid flows in a closed-loop circuit that is separated from the water supply by a gasketed plate heat exchanger. After heating the tap water, the transfer fluid will circulate back to the solar collectors. With a gasketed plate heat exchanger from Alfa Laval, you ensure maximum heat efficiency and can rest easy that there is no risk of potable water contamination.

Space heating

Solar collectors in the form of solar panels can also be used for space heating. The collectors will heat a transfer fluid using the sun’s rays. The heat from the transfer fluid will then be transferred to the heating fluid in the secondary circuit using a gasketed plate heat exchanger. The hot fluid can be used to provide space heating through heated flooring, radiators, or forced hot air systems. Regardless of which, with an Alfa Laval heat exchanger you recover the maximum amount of heat, saving both energy and money in the process.

Large-scale solar thermal applications

Solar thermal power plants use the sun's energy to heat a transfer fluid to a high temperature. In order to extract maximum heat, they use mirrors to reflect and concentrate the solar radiation. This heat then needs to be transferred to water to produce superheated steam. The most efficient way to achieve this is by using a gasketed plate heat exchanger. The superheated steam is then used to turn turbines, converting mechanical energy into electricity.




  • 靈活度高,可適應任何工作任務,確保最高的熱效率
  • 精巧的設計節省空間,易於維護和保養
  • 有效減少結垢、壓力和腐蝕,最大限度地延長正常運行時間





  • 高效可靠的技術,適用於各種因壓力或temperature fatigue而困擾的應用
  • 獨特的Alfa Laval RefTight™密封系統,保證更長的生命週期
  • 防止介質間的交叉污染,可靠的解決方案




  • 輕量級的銅銲接結構,佔地面積小
  • 相較於殼管式熱交換器具有更高的熱效率
  • 適配性高,適用於各種介質/流體的各種應用
  • 非常適用於天然和低GWP制冷劑




  • 100%不銹鋼結構
  • 良好的耐腐蝕性,適配度高
  • 有效防止飲用水和其他衛生應用中的金屬污染
  • 熱效率高和佔地面積小




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The Smart Heat Exchanger


城市消耗了全球超過三分之二的能源,想要緩解氣候變遷,落實永續城市是關鍵。具統計,城市中多數的能耗用於供暖製冷。換言之,提升暖通空調的能效與永續城市目標息息相關。Alfa Laval承諾在2030年前達到碳中和,以身作則並將經驗與產業各界共享,一起邁向永續城市。

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