
The use of plate heat exchangers for heating pools, spas & saunas, and greenhouses has become common practice, mainly due to the thermodynamic advantages and low cost compared to shell-and-tube technology. A plate heat exchanger can utilize heat from various sources, including district heating, solar-heated water circuit, or geothermal groundwater. It can also use chilled water to remove heat when the application in question must be cooled.

swimming pool heating

Choose the right partner

  • Alfa Laval offers compact solutions for reheating and maintaining the temperature of swimming pools of any dimension.
  • Recover heat from low-temperature, geothermal sources for your greenhouse and reduce the risk of fouling with Alfa Laval’s plate technology.
  • Alfa Laval’s AHRI-certified heat exchangers ensure that you recover the maximum amount of heat, increasing the sustainability of your facility.
  • The high flow rate through Alfa Laval’s plate heat exchangers enables self-cleaning, and therefore less maintenance.
  • Our service team has a high capacity and a global outreach to minimize downtime of your application.

Trends in the industry

Swimming pool facilities with spas and saunas are used for both fitness and recreation. In recent years there has been an influx in demand for these types of spaces with growing tourism and health consciousness. Greenhouse technology for food production has also become increasingly popular as climate change adversely affects crops. Both industries are looking to become more sustainable by making the most out of available heat, regardless of the source. Low-carbon heating and cooling is also a crucial priority as the global energy system moves away from fossil fuels as a source of energy. The challenge is making these changes happen, without compromising on performance.

By choosing Alfa Laval, you won’t have to compromise. Our heat exchangers allow a close temperature approach for maximum heat recovery while maintaining a steady temperature in your pool, spa, sauna, or greenhouse. As a company, we are dedicated to enabling the clean energy transition, reducing the carbon footprint of our value chain, and enabling your process to be as energy efficient as possible.


Swimming pool

Pools require heating to the optimum set temperature, comfortable for recreation and fitness. The heat source has traditionally been a hot water boiler but can also be a solar-heated water-circuit, district heating or geothermal groundwater. A heat exchanger should separate the primary heating loop from the secondary, which will contain the pool water. This is both for safety and hygiene purposes. The heat exchanger should be placed before chlorination to reduce corrosion and equipment damage. Alfa Laval caters to pools of various sizes and heat demands with customizable gasketed plate heat exchangers.

In tropical climates, it may be necessary to cool the water temperature of a swimming pool. This can be achieved using chilled water as the other medium.

See how Alfa Laval technology is being used to maintain the temperature in the world’s highest pool.

Heating for swimming pool
Heating for spas and saunas

Spas & Saunas

Spas and saunas are popular recreational activities that require heating and maintenance of a comfortable set temperature. Regardless of the dimension of your facility, Alfa Laval’s heat exchangers can be tailored to suit your application. The heat source can be geothermal groundwater, or a solar-heated water circuit, among others. A heat exchanger that separates the primary and secondary loops will transfer the thermal energy to the spa/sauna water. The high flow rate of fluid through the heat exchanger enables self-cleaning, reducing the chance of fouling and sediment build-up, allowing your application to run for longer, with minimum downtime.

Find out how a spa in New Zeeland uses Alfa Laval heat exchangers to increase sustainability and maximize heat recovery.


Whether growing vegetables or flowers, a greenhouse requires the right temperature and humidity for optimum yield. The energy source in the case of heating will often be geothermal groundwater. Heat is transferred from the energy source to the water that is circulated in mild steel piping installed along the soil bed using an Alfa Laval heat exchanger. Depending on the composition of the geothermal water, plate heat exchangers with Titanium plates could be required to minimize the risk of corrosion and reduce sediment build-up and fouling. Low-temperature heat is sufficient, which is efficiently recovered with a gasketed plate heat exchanger from Alfa Laval.

In some climates, the air in the greenhouse may need to be cooled. This is achieved using chilled water as the other medium.

Find out how greenhouses in the Netherlands are using geothermal ground-water for sustainable food production.

Heating for greenhouses



  • 靈活度高,可適應任何工作任務,確保最高的熱效率
  • 精巧的設計節省空間,易於維護和保養
  • 有效減少結垢、壓力和腐蝕,最大限度地延長正常運行時間





  • 高效可靠的技術,適用於各種因壓力或temperature fatigue而困擾的應用
  • 獨特的Alfa Laval RefTight™密封系統,保證更長的生命週期
  • 防止介質間的交叉污染,可靠的解決方案




  • 輕量級的銅銲接結構,佔地面積小
  • 相較於殼管式熱交換器具有更高的熱效率
  • 適配性高,適用於各種介質/流體的各種應用
  • 非常適用於天然和低GWP制冷劑




  • 100%不銹鋼結構
  • 良好的耐腐蝕性,適配度高
  • 有效防止飲用水和其他衛生應用中的金屬污染
  • 熱效率高和佔地面積小




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The Smart Heat Exchanger


城市消耗了全球超過三分之二的能源,想要緩解氣候變遷,落實永續城市是關鍵。具統計,城市中多數的能耗用於供暖製冷。換言之,提升暖通空調的能效與永續城市目標息息相關。Alfa Laval承諾在2030年前達到碳中和,以身作則並將經驗與產業各界共享,一起邁向永續城市。

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