阿法拉伐為海運業服務了一個世紀之久,並且自從它首次提出以來一直參與壓載水處理。 阿法拉伐 PureBallast 3 是一個可靠的選擇,不僅是憑藉自身力量,還有其背後的全球組織的支援。
使用阿法拉伐 PureBallast 3 進行平穩運行的壓載水處理
雖然 Dowa Line 總部位於日本,但已在美洲開展業務超過 35 年。 該公司不僅是美國市場上領先的日本貨運公司之一,也是壓載水處理的早期推動者,擁有豐富的阿法拉伐 PureBallast 3 經驗。
自 1981 年以來,Dowa Line 在北美洲、中美洲和南美洲(包括加勒比海地區)開發了合同貨運服務。 該公司的船隻運輸糧食、肥料、鋁土礦和糖,以及各種其他大宗商品。
在環保方面,Dowa Line 從容地走在最前沿。 這可以在壓載水處理中看到,該公司在這方面具有非常強大的實踐經驗基礎。
KOTC chooses Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 for ballast water treatment throughout its fleet – including VLCCs
Kuwait Oil Tanker Company (KOTC) is one of many ship owners choosing UV ballast water treatment over electrochlorination for large ballast water flows. Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 will be installed on vessels throughout the KOTC fleet, including VLCCs with flows of 6000 m3/h each.
Founded in 1957, KOTC has a present fleet capacity of around 2.4 million barrels – roughly the equivalent of Kuwait’s daily oil production. Of the 28 vessels KOTC owns, 12 are VLCCs with a deadweight of over 300,000 tonnes. These massive tankers will now be retrofitted with Alfa Laval PureBallast 3, which will also be the choice for VLCC newbuilds and the smaller vessels under KOTC ownership.
“PureBallast 3 is the right equipment to have on bigger ships like VLCCs,” says Jamil Al-Ali, Manager Fleet Engineering Group at KOTC. “Alfa Laval has a tried, tested and proven system for supporting that huge capacity of ballast water without delays to the cargo operations.”