Hygienic line
Take process hygiene and product safety to a higher level with the Alfa Laval Hygienic line. This premium range of plate heat exchangers optimizes process hygiene and energy efficiency. Specifically developed for hygienic applications, it raises the bar on hygiene overall while reducing the carbon footprint for food, beverage, pharmaceutical and other manufacturers who demand outstanding performance and total efficiency.
Hygienic heating and cooling for maximum product safety, uptime and energy efficiency
- Enhanced product safety due to unique design features on plates and gaskets
- Superior cleanability due to innovative plate pattern for enhanced hygiene
- Longer run times between cleaning cycles thanks to optimized media distribution
- High heat transfer efficiency, minimizing the use of energy and materials
- Straightforward maintenance with easy access and ClipGripTM gasket attachment
Accelerate sustainability with the Alfa Laval Hygienic line. These premium plate heat exchangers have been developed with a focus on hygiene and reducing the use of energy, water and cleaning media.
Optimized flow distribution and a smoother plate pattern improve heat transfer efficiency, improving energy efficiency by up to 15%. These features also contribute to lowering the pressure drop by up to 10% while enabling the heat exchanger to perform the same duty.
Using 10% less steel, on average, to produce the unit compared to previous models reduces the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions embedded in the product in a similar way. Durable and energy-efficient, these hygienic plate heat exchangers help reduce the environmental footprint of hygienic applications in food and pharma manufacturing.
EquiflowTM 最佳化介質流動,令熱交換更均勻,最小化結垢產生
CleanChannelTM 有助於清潔過程中去除顆粒,滿足衛生規範要求
衛生級板式熱交換器 Hygienic line
衛生級板式熱交換器Hygienic line系列集高性能、高潔淨度、易於維護、可最小化結垢產生等優勢於一身,是食品飲料、生技製藥產業的絕佳選擇。
SmoothPort – 最佳化成效在於細節
SmoothPort是新一代衛生級板式熱交換器Hygienic line可達超高潔淨度的關鍵之一,板片孔洞比你想像的重要。
板片越薄,熱傳效率越高,但耐用性也越差嗎?Alfa Laval以百年技術創新底蘊,讓這項疑慮不復存在。
Palle Melchart以多年服務食品飲料產業客戶的經驗,深知衛生安全與易於維護對於使用者有多重要。
Belen Villalba與產業用戶攜手改善製造流程,深知針對用戶痛點,精心打造的熱交換器能帶來多大的改變與效益。
阿法拉伐衛生液/液 GPHE
Alfa Laval multi-section pasteurizer GPHE
Multi-section hygienic GPHE
Hygienic WideGap
寬間隙版衛生級板式熱交換器Hygienic WideGap,專為含有纖維與顆粒的情境所設計開發,例如含果肉的果汁、果泥、調味品、植物性飲品等。此外,該系列產品亦具備低能耗、高熱傳效能等技術優勢。