The Alfa Laval MAB is a solids-retaining centrifugal separator that can act as a clarifier and a purifier. It helps optimize performance, operating costs and durability.
Compact, robust and efficient
- Simple installation, operation and maintenance
- Internal paring disc for discharge of clean oil
- Large sludge space with basket for easy removal
- Works with two or three phases and can easily change between clarification and purification
- Biofuel ready – compatible with HVO (EN15940) and with FAME (EN14214 or ASTM D6751) blends comprising distillate
The Alfa Laval MAB separator helps prevent breakdowns and reduce downtime on equipment that uses fuel or lubricating oils. This flexible separator is suitable for all marine installations and power stations. Use it as a purifier or clarifier, ensuring reliable equipment operation for longer.
How it works
Separation takes place in a solids-retaining bowl arranged for either clarification or purification. In both cases, contaminated oil is fed through the centre, and centrifugal force separates it into phases. The sludge is forced outwards so it's easy to remove. A liquid seal in the bowl prevents oil from escaping through the water outlet.
MAB bowl arranged as a clairifier for seperating oils containing sludge and very small quantity of water.
- Oil inlet
- Distributor
- Bowl disc
- Clean oil outlet
MAB bowl arranged as a purifier for seperating oils containing sludge and an appreciable quantity of water.
- Oil inlet
- Distributor
- Bowl disc
- Clean oil outlet
- Top disc
- Water outlet
Choose the ideal configuration for your application
Basic equipment
- Dirty oil inlet device
- Clean oil outlet device with sight glass
- Water outlet spout
- Liquid seal water inlet
- Set of gravity discs
- Clarifier parts comprising discharge collar, top disc without neck and bottom disc without holes
- Revolution indicator
- Set of resilient mountings
- Set of standard spare parts
- Built-on gear type pump (combined feed/discharge pump)
Extra equipment
- Electric motor
- Starter
- Set of tools
- Set of recommended additional spares for long-time service
- Flexible connections
- Preheater
- Alarm device for broken liquid seal