Alfa Laval’s comprehensive service offering can assist you in your decanter centrifuge optimization as your operations develop and change over time. As part of the service offering you find both decanter centrifuge optimization, troubleshooting and training, and more. Ensure outstanding performance from your Alfa Laval decanter and minimal total cost of ownership.
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2018-06-18 6504 kBAlfa Laval Aldec for sludge thickening and dewatering Decanter Centrifuge Product leaflet Alfa Laval Aldec Decanter Centrifuge Product leaflet 2024
2018-06-18 6504 kBAlfa Laval Decanter Centrifuge Operating Principles.pdf Understand how a decanter centrifuge work.
2018-06-18 924 kBAlfa Laval Decanter Centrifuge Safety Instructions.pdf Read these safety instructions and this manual carefully before attempting to start, operate or service the decanter.
2018-06-18 250 kBAlfa Laval Decanter Maintenance Training Presentation.pdf An overview of training courses, benefits, optimal time for training, customer cases and frequently asked questions related to decanter maintenance training.
2018-06-18 357 kBAlfa Laval Decanter Power Plates Product Leaflet.pdf Reduce the power consumption of your decanters. See the range of Alfa Laval decanters Power Plates can be installed on, and 2 case studies.
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Decanter centrifuge training
Skills and Knowledge Empower
When you buy Alfa Laval equipment, you buy peace of mind. But you must also rely on your equipment operators to get the job done. That's why competence development is invaluable to your everyday operations.
The more effectively your operators work with your Alfa Laval decanter centrifuge, the higher its reliability and the lower the costs of ownership.
Alfa Laval offers a broad range of decanter centrifuge training courses with a balanced mix of hands-on and theoretical training. The decanter centrifuge training programmes can focus on a particular product, industry and/or application. Tailor-made training can be offered based on your specific training needs for most industries. In some cases, e-Learning (self-study and webinars) is available, which is a fast, cost-efficient way to learn.
Contact us to learn more about decanter centrifuge training opportunities near you.
Explore maintenance training Explore wastewater process training

Global Test & Innovation Centre for Decanters
In our new Test & Innovation Centre we develop, test and optimize the next generation of decanters in a controlled environment. The centre is our global knowledge hub for Food & Water applications. The centre is located at Alfa Laval’s site in Søborg, Copenhagen, and currently covers an initial 2,000 square metres.
Read more about our decanter centrifuge innovation centre
Contact your local sales company to learn more about training opportunities

Decanter centrifuge troubleshooting
No matter what the cause, if a problem arises related to Alfa Laval equipment, Alfa Laval troubleshooters will get to the bottom of it and prevent future hold-ups.
Alfa Laval has more than 100 years of decanter centrifuge experience, which gives our troubleshooters a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips.
Who are Alfa Laval troubleshooters? Not everyone can work with decanter centrifuge troubleshooting at Alfa Laval. In order to qualify, a troubleshooter must possess:
- In-depth product knowledge
- Customer process understanding
- Practical experience
- Theoretical knowledge
- Material knowledge
- Automation know-how
Alfa Laval Remote Guidance can be a supplement to the existing way of delivering service to you at site. With our tool and process, our field service engineers and product experts can establish a merged reality via a video link sent to your mobile device on site.
Check out Alfa Laval's Connected IoT Services, which provides the fastest solution for decanter centrifuge troubleshooting, process optimization and predictive maintenance.
Connected services for decanters
Contact your local sales company to get troubleshooting assistance

Service Offerings
With an Alfa Laval Service Agreement, you ensure outstanding performance from your Alfa Laval decanter and minimal total cost of ownership. Tailored to your priorities and requirements, a Service Agreement is the ideal maintenance solution from the original manufacturer of your equipment.
Performance Audit - Decanter Centrifuge Optimization & Cost Savings
Extend your decanter capability with an Alfa Laval Performance Audit to get decanter centrifuge optimization and cost-savings. With an Alfa Laval Performance Audit, our global service and support experts help you get the best performance from your equipment.
Preventive Maintenance for Decanters
To keep a decanter working efficiently, a comprehensive preventive maintenance programme, tailored to meet specific customer requirements and budget, is the best choice.
Equipment Upgrades for Decanters
Improve decanter availability, process and performance by upgrading your decanter. Experience increased capacity, efficient operation, lower operating costs and longer service intervals.
Connected Services
Over the last 30 years, the internet has revolutionized the way humans interact. The interconnection of machines, sensors and various digital systems, commonly referred to as the internet of things (IoT), brings completely new possibilities to increase efficiency and add value for customers. With Connected Services, you’ll always know how your decanter is performing, why it isn’t, and how to correct the issue. That means more and better uptime - ensuring your investment is always able to perform as optimally as it was engineered to do.