Coldblock - challenges and solutions






  • 需要進行酵母繁殖、儲存和回收


  • 具有高生存力和活力的健康酵母替代物
  • 正確的投放
  • 更靈活地繁殖、儲存和投放不同的酵母菌株


  • 確保未受感染的、新鮮繁殖的優質酵母供應



  • 具有高生存力和活力的酵母
  • 正確的投放
  • 均質的酵母漿
  • 更靈活地繁殖、儲存和投放不同的酵母菌株



  • 想要提高發酵罐利用率時的起泡問題
  • 發酵過程的可重複性



  • 較少的泡沫可提高對整體發酵罐容量的使用
  • 均勻分佈,以防止酵母過早沉澱
  • 均勻的溫度和 CO2 水平
  • 發酵時間一致且更短


  • 發酵罐的整個加工時間長


  • 節能碰撞冷卻
  • 轉移生啤酒時達到所需的溫度


  • 發酵系統和互連傳輸線中的衛生條件不達標準


  • 產品接觸區域得到有效可靠地清潔
  • 正常運行時間最佳化


  • 沉澱過程時間長
  • 啤酒損失


  • 縮短成熟時間(無需等待酵母沉澱)
  • 減少啤酒損失


  • 多餘的酵母


  • 從酵母底部回收高達 88% 的啤酒



  • 產量低
  • 可重複性
  • 大規模幹泡時過程時間長


  • 最大限度地使用啤酒花
  • 加速了乾泡過程
  • 改善了下游澄清
  • 改進了啤酒花去除



  • 不一致、不衛生和耗時的產品取樣


  • 提高取樣品質和頻率
  • 減少取樣所需的時間



  • 漫長而昂貴的周期
  • 清潔過程中的高能源和化學品使用量


  • 定制的、可驗證的系統
  • 清潔時間和化學品消耗減少 30%
  • 減少熱 CIP(高達 70%)和冷 CIP(高達 50%)的能源使用量
  • 清潔液的最佳回收和再利用
  • 自動化操作



  • 大型容器的安全運行(酵母管理、發酵、鮮啤酒罐)


  • 整合式安全系統
  • 一致、可重複和衛生的操作


  • 次優冷塊設計


  • 避免污染
  • 最佳化泵和管線
  • 最佳化完整的流程和公用設施
  • 提高流程靈活性

Q&As about Cold block


Q: Do you have any experience in designing and building fully automated (>1M HL) cold blocks that are essentially unmanned?

A: Yes, and we believe this is going to be the future.

Q: For dry hopping on the top plate, how do you prevent micro-contamination during hopping?

A: We arrange Cleaning-in-Place for the complete system before and after hopping.

Q: Are membrane pumps really better for yeast harvesting compared to lobe pumps? Or did you choose membrane pumps for Yards due to thick yeast?

A: We chose membrane pumps due to thick yeast and the capability of a membrane air-driven pump to pull and create suction.

Q: How we can merge the yeast propagator with the yeast storage tank, given that certain changes are required such as agitation of the storage yeast and the challenge that during propagation there may be the risk of contamination in the agitator?

A: Any yeast storage tank can be used as a yeast propagator. It requires some adaptations, however. Alfa Laval Scandi Brew agitators are fully cleanable and SIPable.

Q: For the yeast management plant, I see from your design and installations that sterile air injection occurs via the agitation shaft. What is the advantage of doing so compared to traditional injection at the base of the tank?

A: At Alfa Laval, injection through the hollow shaft is the traditional and preferred option. Distributing air just below the agitator blades helps to distribute air efficiently in the tank.

Q: Regarding the yeast pump, I understand that one pump can be moved close to the tank being harvested... A fixed pump which sometimes presents the challenge of long suction lines, which leads to harvesting problems like flow stability. How does the pump behave in this situation, when using one fixed pump for a complete tank block?

A: It really depends on equipment layout, pump type and yeast type. Each case should be evaluated individually to select the best option.

Q: Do you offer retrofit/upgrade services for breweries that require upgrade of the existing cold block if the customer provides calculations that demonstrate a clear business case in terms of the annual volume required?

A: Yes, we do offer retrofit and upgrades.

Q: Do you have energy-efficient solutions for cold blocks in de-alcoholization plants?

A: Yes, Dealcoholization Module and Lowal Dealcoholizer.

Q: Did using a single diaphragm pump for all tanks via a flow plate lead to delay? Could using multiple pumps help increase production?

A: Using a single diaphragm pump did not lead to delay. Production capacity is not influenced by the efficient harvest. It was relevant for production efficiency and yeast management optimization.

Q: How do you customize your construction sets of P&IDs to meet each customer's needs and what are some typical challenges you face with customers knowing you have a set of P&IDs you pull from? 

A: We apply our process and engineering knowledge to customize sets based on the individual customer's needs. Explaining the benefits of hygienic design, layout and ease of operation is a challenge.

Q: About the use of u-bend pipes for future expansion, are there pressure losses in these pipes that should be taken into consideration?

A:There is a pressure loss in each bend, whether or not it is installed in the expansion loop. Alfa Laval uses special software to calculate both pressure losses and expansion loops.

Q: How is valve matrix drip tray clean during months or years of use? 

A: Alfa Laval mixproof valves are spillage free. When the valve opens or closes, there is no product spillage during valve operation, and none through the leakage chamber either. Consequently, there is no product (yeast, beer, etc.) left in the drip tray during standard operation. If, for some reason, the valve leaks and product is found in the drip tray, it can be manually flushed after routine valve maintenance. Optional cleaning spray nozzles can be installed in the drip tray and activated on a timely basis. 

Q: What, in your opinion, would be the best transition from a cellar with pipe bend panels to a semi-automated cellar, considering the various steps that must be implemented? 

A: We would recommend starting with product routing to maintain manual Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) and manual gas routing. If the cellar is split into blocks, we recommend initially converting one block to semi-automated operation and then converting subsequent blocks until all blocks have been converted. 

Q: You mentioned that tanks undergo cold Cleaning-in-Place. Is this due to caustic or acid cleaning? If due to the presence of caustic, how do you vent the vessel before CIP? 

A: Tanks undergo cold Cleaning-in-Place for both caustic and acid cleaning. For venting the vessel, we use blowers at the bottom to evacuate CO2 from the tank and replace volume in the cylindrical conical tanks (CCT) with the sterile air. 

Q: Do you typically use check valves to protect pipelines from contamination, for instance those pipelines for deaerated water? 

A: No, we try to avoid using check valves in the brewery process installation, especially for transporting product, for hygienic reasons. We always design routes for deaerated water to ensure that they are fully cleanable with hot CIP and we focus on correct functional description in order to prevent product from going back into deaerated water lines. 

Q: When setting up a new fermentation cellar, how much excess space do you recommend for future expansion? 50% of the capacity or more? 

A: It depends on expansion needs and business growth plans. That said, we would recommend a minimum designing with a minimum excess space of 50 to 100% of the existing tank farm.