Dry dock services
When your vessel is in dry dock, it’s the perfect time for preventive maintenance, overhauls or upgrades. You have the opportunity to prepare and optimize for the long period at sea to follow, and Alfa Laval Marine Service can help you make the most of it. Plan for dry dock services with our experts and be ready when the vessel arrives.
Use your dry dock time efficiently
Alfa Laval has dry dock service centres close to major shipyards, all with highly trained personnel and uniform price packages for their services.
Although time in dry dock is limited, the right preparations mean you can achieve more in the time that you have. There are certain services we always recommend for major equipment, but a pre-docking inspection can identify additional or critical needs. That way, our service experts can recommend planned actions and be sure to have the right parts on hand.

Overhaul, upgrade and service your PureBallast system for performance and compliance, relying on Alfa Laval as the service advisor.
Renew key parts and have your boiler thoroughly inspected and tested for reliability and efficiency.
Freshwater generators
Restore to like-new condition by reconditioning the plate pack, typically needed 8–12 years after delivery.
Use dry dock time to overhaul key components, and be ready for the needed work by having your scrubber pre-inspected.
Gas Combustion Units
Renew key parts and have your GCU thoroughly inspected and tested for safety and reliability.
Plate heat exchangers
Restore to like-new condition by reconditioning the plate pack, typically needed 8–12 years after delivery.
Upgrade to compact and versatile 10-micron fuel oil filters as recommended by engine manufacturers.
Smit inert gas systems
Have your inert gas system inspected in advance to ensure its critical performance when you enter dry dock.
Fuel supply systems
Make use of dry dock time to optimize your Fuel Conditioning Module (FCM) and perform key control upgrades.
Fuel and lube oil separators
Make use of dry dock time to extend separator lifetime and performance, for example with control system or biofuel upgrades.
Skills wherever you dry dock
Alfa Laval resources are in close reach of shipyards, repair yards, harbours and anywhere else where major vessel work is carried out. As an example, look into our service centre in Zhoushan – one of six service centres in China that provide or support Alfa Laval dry dock services.
Alfa Laval Marine Service
We provide not just immediate support but also a full range of services – digital as well as physical. Turn to us to optimize performance, safeguard compliance, improve sustainability, boost efficiency and secure your peace of mind. You’ll find solutions for every stage of your equipment’s life cycle in our Alfa Laval Marine Service offering.