More sustainable industrial processes through efficient separation
Chemical and industrial processes rely on efficient separation, whether that’s to remove contaminants and particles from industrial fluids, or to separate chemicals to exact specifications. Alfa Laval separators represent an outstandingly efficient solution to your specific separation needs and help you to operate in a more sustainable way.
Separators for industrial processes
Alfa Laval’s separators for industrial processes can help ensure optimal equipment uptime by removing contaminants from essential fluids for use in manufacturing. Separation is the simple, proven solution which can reduce operational costs while improving sustainability.

Separators for the chemical industry
Alfa Laval knows that all chemical and green chemical processes are sensitive, and that efficient, effective separation is essential. With our range of centrifugal separators, you can ensure that you get the right results every time, in the most sustainable way.

想像一個更加永續的世界:一個以更少資源,創造更多價值的世界;在這裡,我們高效滿足日益增長的能源需求,並同時減少碳排放。 想像一個世界,我們在利用自然資源的同時,也守護著它們;在Alfa Laval,我們與客戶和夥伴正共同建構這個理想的世界。