
The IMO BWM Convention and the USCG Final Rule have been deployed to protect marine biodiversity against invasive species through ballast water management regulations. Alfa Laval offers type approved ballast water management systems (BWMS) with a portfolio of service offerings supporting compliance. Without use of toxic chemicals, the UV treatment technology behind the Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 offers superior ballast water treatment (BWT) in all kinds of waters.

Ballast water treatment


  • IMO 和 USCG 型式認可
  • 在任何水域都有出色的效能
  • 簡單的無化學品操作
  • Well-developed service offerings to ensure non-stop compliance


如今,阿法拉伐有一套完整的解決方案可同時新造和改裝需求,這套解決方案建立在與客戶、當局和科學機構十年的合作基礎之上。 隨著 BWM 公約的生效,我們本已規模很大的生產已準備好迎接未來幾年的繁重增長。

造船廠和工程公司可獲得清晰、全面的說明文件以及專家諮詢。 船東將獲得深遠的所有權支援,包括效能協議以及其他服務,具有成本效益且高枕無憂。


Read the guide


UV or EC? Why your choice of ballast water management technology matters

Decisions in ballast water management shouldn’t be made by default, especially when it comes to your choice of technology: UV or electro chlorination (EC). By raising the right questions, you can lower a lot – from your costs and risks to your operating limitations. Find out why UV treatment with Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 is the smartest choice for ballast water management, even on vessels where EC is today’s norm.


Biological commissioning testing

As of 1st June 2022, biological commissioning testing is required after installing a ballast water management system. To show that the whole installation performs as it should, an independent lab must take and analyse water samples as part of the commissioning survey. You as the shipowner are responsible, but we can help you make sure that all goes well. Learn how to succeed with biological commissioning testing and let us support you when testing Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 installations.

PB Product page

Address your ballast water management system challenges

If the reality of ballast water management hasn’t met your expectations, you’re not alone. Others have purchased or acquired ballast water management systems (BWMS) in good faith, only to find that they don’t comply as intended – or aren’t supported as needed. Don't risk non-compliance and hefty penalties for a poorly functioning BWMS. Replacing your existing system could be a more cost-effective solution in the long run. Having replaced over 200 systems from over 20 different makers, Alfa Laval has the expertise you can rely on to ensure compliance.

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Get our white paper on challenging water quality (CWQ)

New interim guidance from the MEPC defines your options and responsibilities when managing ballast water in CWQ conditions. Our white paper explains what applies, including:

  • What challenging water quality is – and isn’t
  • How CWQ parameters differ from system design limitations
  • When your BWMS can be bypassed – and when it can’t
  • Why bypassing isn’t the simple solution it seems

Download the white paper


閱讀我們迄今為止提供的 1700 多套 PureBallast 系統的一些成功案例。



壓載水處理法規正在生效。 IMO 壓載水管理(BWM)公約已經批准,美國海岸警衛隊(USCG)立法已經生效。 我們擁有豐富的知識和十年的經驗,可以幫助您瞭解影響您的船舶的法規。

The IMO Ballast Water Management Convention

This is the global legislation that sets the rules for ballast water treatment in around 95% of the world’s ports. [Its full name is the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments] In addition, On 28 October 2020, the IMO revised G8 guidelines (the BMWS Code) for type approving ballast water treatment systems went into effect.

The U.S. Coast Guard Ballast Water Discharge Final Rule

Known more simply as the USCG Final Rule, this is the ballast water treatment legislation that applies when sailing in United States waters. Its requirements are similar to – but slightly different from – those in the IMO BWM Convention. Some specific rules may apply in certain regions or ports, but the regulations above guide nearly all ballast water treatment decisions.

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