Marine environmental compliance

Environmental regulations protect our marine ecosystems, but they also affect marine businesses. Alfa Laval is committed to keeping you compliant while safeguarding your business interests. Our compliance solutions combine peace of mind with the flexibility and economy so vital to your operations.





Energy Efficiency

Energy has always been important, but never the critical factor it is today. In a time of high fuel prices and slow steaming, even the heat that was once a surplus is now too valuable to let escape. Wherever energy can be saved or reclaimed, it makes a difference in your fuel consumption and your bottom line.

Achieving more with less

Alfa Laval is addressing energy challenges as needs, fuels and regulations change. We work with energy efficiency on all levels, combining the industry’s widest range of equipment with its most in-depth expertise. Often, we’re able to unite energy savings with an environmental win. And we work with you over time, to keep your energy use optimized in the long term.

Savings – in a wider perspective

Alfa Laval works with key applications to approach energy from every possible angle. Besides maximizing equipment efficiency, we optimize entire process lines and create more integrated solutions. Throughout your vessel, we save you money by reducing energy-related operating costs.

Compliance – as expectations change

Alfa Laval supports EEDI compliance. In addition, we work to minimize the energy impact of new equipment required by other legislation. Our environmental equipment, for example, includes solutions like PureDry, PureNOx and S separators, which actually benefit your vessel’s energy profile.

Future – with an eye on tomorrow

Alfa Laval’s energy-saving solutions are enabling the continued use of today’s fuel alternatives. At the same time, we’re working to develop the choices of the future. As new fuels and approaches appear, we’re developing the equipment frameworks to ease their implementation.

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Pure thinking


The purity of our oceans and the protection of the ecosystems they contain are the focus of a growing body of environmental legislation. But just as there is a need to reduce the marine industry’s environmental impact, there is a need for solutions whose effect on board is minimal.

Finding balanced solutions

Pure Thinking began as it sounds – with thinking ahead. Seeing legislation on the way, Alfa Laval formed a strategy for helping the industry meet it in the best possible manner. That strategy has led to unique environmental solutions, including some with substantial energy benefits. Among them are also a growing number of retrofit options as part of our service offering.

Concern – our responsibility

Alfa Laval has a century-long relationship with the maritime industry. Aware of our own systems’ impact, we balance a concern for the environment with our concern for the business of our customers. Protecting both is in everyone’s interest.

Commitment – the drive to act

Alfa Laval’s commitment is to workable, sustainable solutions that meet legislative demands while going unnoticed on board. Any presence felt should be a positive one. PureDry is a golden example, since it recovers reusable fuel as it deals with oily waste.

Contribution – genuine advances

Today Alfa Laval leads the way in emissions control, waste handling and ballast water treatment. And as we contribute new solutions, we use our growing knowledge to improve our contributions of the past. PureBallast, for instance, now uses up to 60% less energy than before.

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Extending performance

In the increasingly challenging marine environment, you need to know you can count on your equipment’s performance. As slow steaming, new fuels and other factors change the way you operate, Alfa Laval is a constant that can keep you going strong – no matter where or how you sail.

Putting performance above all

Alfa Laval is a unique supplier with a unique dedication to performance. The results you see in the long run should equal or surpass the high performance you paid for, which is the focus of the Alfa Laval Service organization. Our service experts can extend performance in many ways – not least when it comes to energy efficiency and environmental impact.

Uptime – at all times

On a vessel at sea, the equipment on board simply has to work. Our quality products, including spare parts that perfectly match the originals, contribute to maximum uptime. And so do our tools and advice, which help keep things running as planned.

Availability – across the world

Alfa Laval’s extensive global network helps you get the most from existing resources, as well as the best economy from your equipment. Wherever you sail, our Field Service Engineers, service centres and distribution centres provide relevant innovations and limitless support.

Optimization – as needs change

When new conditions and requirements arise, Alfa Laval is there with solutions and training, so that you can maintain the high performance you count on. Through our extensive service portfolio, we keep you optimized to succeed in a rapidly changing world.

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Extending performance

New fuels

Securing the gas advantage

Gas is already the fuel for many of the vessels that carry it. Still more vessels are turning to gas, especially as emission limits tighten. As gas becomes more prevalent on a range of vessel types, Alfa Laval is prepared.

Taking gas forward – smoothly, smartly and safely

In a century of working with marine industry, Alfa Laval has become a given partner in fuel and cargo handling. Our work with stabilizing volatile gas cargo began over 40 years ago, and our pioneering work in fuel treatment has evolved beyond oils to a range of gas alternatives. As we lead the way in equipment for the expanding marine gas market, our dedication to efficiency, economy and safety is as strong as ever.

Gas as a fuel

An increasing number of vessels are running on gas. Doing so involves significant challenges, from low viscosities and boiling points to high pressures in some applications. Drawing on a century of fuel treatment experience, Alfa Laval has the answers.

Gas as a cargo

For vessels that transport gas, safety is foremost. Alfa Laval offers peace of mind, having worked for decades with this concern in focus. Today Alfa Laval is a one-stop shop for safeguarding gas as cargo, whether the gas is LNG, LPG or LPG/E.

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Securing the gas advantage

Read the brochures

Securing the gas advantage


Reliably cool under pressure